There will surely come a time when your children will ask you of things that you may feel reluctant to answer. Mind you, those questions might be too sensitive that you need to handle them with utmost care. Never ever think of ditching those questions just to be relieved from that awkward situation. And most especially, never ever give them the impression that those sensitive questions they have in mind are the words of the devil. The best thing to do is to answer their questions appropriately. Be as transparent as an LCD screen protector in dealing with them and their curiosities. Read the rest of this article for guidelines on how to approach your kids with their questions about the birds and the bees.

1.       Start the talk ASAP. Starting the conversation about sensitive topics at an early age will ease your child’s curiosity of things that are sensitive. Make your conversation as natural as possible, so that your child won’t feel embarrassed or aloof in opening topics of the like to you. Remember, it’s better that you be the one to educate your child regarding those sensitive matters than other people.

2.       Choose what to say according to their age. When answering the sensitive questions of your children, make sure to give only enough details. Never overload them with information that they aren’t even soliciting yet. Allow them to be curious about things, and then satisfy those curiosities by enlightening them with the right answers.

3.       Avoid using puns. When talking about the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system and all that relates to it, use the terms as they are. Avoid using cutesy nicknames because your children might get the impression that there is something not right about the real names of body parts and processes. Make them feel that there is nothing to be embarrassed in saying the real names of the organs of the body.

4.       Never make yourself as an example. Avoid dead air and awkward moments with your conversations. What’s more awkward than making an example out of yourself? Just the thought of your children imagining you with the context makes it very awkward enough. Rather, use the indefinite pronoun “everyone” or the equivalent when giving out details.

5.       Make it an ongoing conversation. Surely, if you garnered the trust and confidence of your children in discussing with each other those matters, that only means you did a great job. Never get tired in enlightening them with their curiosities to keep an ongoing conversation.

6.       Be open to answer queries. Don’t think about telling them that their questions are silly, and don’t go ignoring their questions as well. It’s better if you’re the one who will be giving an answer to their curiosities rather than other people who might pollute their minds at their young age.

7.       Don’t show embarrassment. If you show a hint of embarrassment to your children about that sensitive matter, the more they are to feel the same. Be casual in answering their questions. Gone are the days when sex is a taboo subject to be embarrassed of.

Keep in mind that it’s only natural that you’re children will one day ask the how’s and why’s of human development and reproduction. When that time comes, be ready to have an arsenal of answers to straighten their curious minds. It’s best to always be available for them whenever they have those kinds of questions, especially nowadays when they can easily access the internet through their latest gadgets for stuff of all sorts. I bet you wouldn’t want them to get the wrong information for such sensitive matters, would you? I know you’re thinking, “If there’s only a way to make them understand grown-up stuff without going through the awkward conversations.” Sad to say it’s you as their parent who has the responsibility to answer the most difficult questions of all.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    March 2013

